I did it! My first ever game is live on Steam!

What a journey! At the beginning of the project the goal was to simply learn the process of Steam and get a game onto it. But as development went on and scopes kept creeping, it became something more than that.
I grew up on whimsical science-fiction like The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Space Quest (EGA version of course) and Space Balls the movie. Cratered is leaning heavily into all that.
As such, the world is alien, yet but strangely familiar.
Fictional Brands

Channeling my old advertising self, I created fictional brands and their ads that are dotted randomly across the world. There obviously has to be fast-food outlets and a chain of fueling stations. There’s a mysterious Drone research facility and a Deep Core mining corporation. And of course ads for investing in luxury condo projects. There’s a separate post just on these ads here.
The Manual
When I grew up, games came in big boxes, just like board games. They had printed maps, manual and other goodies. I wanted to re-create that for Cratered even though it’s provided as a pdf-file on Steam.

It’s carefully degraded in Photoshop to fake bad black and white laser printers and rough CMYK half-tone rasterization.
Wrapping up this post – I made this game for myself and my inner child. Maybe it’s just me looking back at those days but I hope you will like it too!